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Picking a Good Passfeed Username is Important for Your Dating

Theme: relationship

The username is always important when it comes to finding dates on Passfeed. So far, Passfeed has been the best college dating app based on the number of college students always joining the app each day. You have to take the time coming up with a great username that reflects about who you are. A simple mistake of having the wrong or provocative usernames can lead to issues. How do you know that the username that you have is the right one?

Which gender are you trying to attract?

Think about which gender you are trying to attract and if they will like your profile. This might mean coming up with some interesting usernames. Women like someone who have a great username that shows a guy is well read and cultured. Do not just come up with naughty usernames as a guy and expect more girls will like it. Men on the other hand might just like the naughty usernames but not for long too. At some point, they would want to date someone who is mature too.

Being either sexy or serious

Choosing a flirty username will always get you more hits on Passfeed. Choosing a flirty username does not mean it has to be graphic. You have to be naughty without necessarily showing the graphicness. Having a plain sound username will not get you any dates. Both genders are always attracted to someone that can express flirting even in a username.

Make it sound fun and friendly

Of course, you would want to connect with a college student who is fun all the time. You would not want someone who will always be boring in a relationship. A username can also tell you if a person is great or not. Check out a number of profiles to see which the funny ones are. If someone is funny, he might have a friendly and funny username too. Both sexes are attracted to people that might seem friendly on the first encounter.

Typecasting yourself in a username

Think about those usernames you might have seen where a guy picks out on his favorite hobby and makes it his username. The problem with such a username is that you will have trouble connecting with people who are not into the same hobbies. It is time to come up with something different that is not related to the hobbies. You might just end up missing on connecting with other fun people simply because you highlighted your hobbies in a username.

Just be Modest

You might find some people trying to show that they are wealthy or something of the sort on a simple profile on Passfeed. That will not easily get you dates as someone might think you are all about showing off. Keep the showing off to yourself until you actually meet for the first date. Even on profiles, it is not recommended that you start to show off about what you own. Just keep things simple at all times.


You need to know what entails a good username for any online platform. Learn about what you need to do in order to have a great username on Passfeed.